Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Soap Box

Here I am on my soap box again. I like to think that from way up here I can see the world in absolute clarity. See all the wrongs and the failures and all the things that need fixing. I like this box. To stand here and preach at the passerby. To tell others of their rights and wrongs.

But the truth is up here I can't see squat. I only blind myself in thinking I am better than others. So here I come, climbing down. Down to a world that is flawed and filled with wrongs. Down here, where I don't think I'm so much better, it is so easier to see. And much easier to get stuff done.

But here is one thing I see no matter where I stand.

"You have your problems and I have mine. You deal with your own shit and I'm gonna deal with mine." This is the way of the world. This is the way of our lives.


Since when did we, as americans, become this way?
Since when did we, as christians, become this way?
Since when did we, as friends and family, become this way?
Since when did we, you and I, become this way?

We seem to think that it is simply polite to keep our problems to ourselves. I mean they are own problems and we wouldn't want to burden others with them. But why? Since when is that ok? A Swedish proverb say this:

"Shared joy is double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."

Why can't we learn that when we hurt there are those around us who want to help? What good is it to close yourself off from the world around you and suffer alone? It hurts worse than anything. Not only to have to suffer our pains alone but to have to keep them from people.

And even in the bible it says this:

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

So let's recap. Not only by letting other people help us in times of pain will we not have to suffer as much, we also fulfill the law of Christ. By helping others and letting others help us with obey our Saviour and our Creator! Sounds like a good motivation to me.

We have become a society where it is "cool" or "normal" to deal with our own problems. How often do you hear "this is my problem and I'm gonna take care of it!" in a movie or TV show? This is who we've become. And I wanna know why!

I ask for two reasons: One is because I am human. I have my ups and my downs. And during my downs I want to have someone there who can help me weather the storm and by doing so lead me to another up. But I am frightened that people will think I'm too much to handle. I'm afraid that if I open up and reveal my problems people will look down on me, because that is the nation we're in. We see movie stars and models and so many people who the media tells us are perfect. So anyone with problems in less than perfect and therefore not worthy. That is such bullshit. Everyone is flawed. Especially me. Which is why I need the support if others to help me get through hard times. But I'm afraid because of what we have become.

And the other reason is because I like to be there for people. There was a time not to long ago I had this friend who had some major problems. They continued to rely on me for support and it got to be so much I thought I couldn't handle it anymore. I was near the point of telling this friend to deal with their own pain and leave me out of it when I stopped and thought about why I would do that. Why would I stop helping them? Why? So I prayed and thought about and came to the realization that it wasn't because they were being too much but because I simply didn't want to deal with it. But the truth is there should never be a "too much" for those we care about. There should never be a marker that if this person is just too messed up I'm not gonna deal with it anymore. No! We should always be there for each other. To take each other's hand and help each other through the storms and the valleys. That way we can enjoy the sunshine and the mountain tops together! After this realization I have always tried to be there for people. And I enjoy being there for people. Even though I fail sometimes beacuse I am human, I always try.

Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. ~Emily Kimbrough

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Destiny Is To Be Extraordinary

yes! what are you doing!

10:45pmCory wishing i was in shape and cursing my misfortune :P

that sounds lame!

in fact it is

what are you going to do about it?

but i'm listening to "Life Is Beautiful" so it all balances out
what am i gonna do about it?
Well shoot son...
I'm gonna continue to try and reach the immposible
I'm gonna continue to break boundries
I'm gonna continue to break my own limitations
I'm gonna continue to everyday become more and more Christ-like

swweet thats good

"It is not who we are on the insde, but what we do that defines us."
I could be the most godly man on the planet. And when I died I'll enter heaven. But what good was my life if I didn't effect others?
What good is my life is I simply sat around and did nothing?
My life would have been worthless, selfish even.
To have kept God all to myself.
See my freind I curse my misfortune and wish for things I don't have in order to drive me to become better.
What am I gonna do about it?
I'm going to be extraordinary.
. <-------- A PERIOD!

sounds like a poem!

maybe it should be :)


i don't suppose you've read any of my blogs?

ive read a couple

oh nice
i think i'm gonna right a blog right now.
you've inspired me :)

lol what exactly are you going to do though

What do you mean?

define "extraordinary"

I can't define that. Becuase I don't know yet.
That is for God to define.
I'm His piece of clay. I will be molded to what He sees fit.


So "extraordinary" is simply following the will of my Creator.


but for now i'm not gonna give up.


no matter how few friends i have or how many girls break my heart. i can't give up. becuase then I can't be what God wants me to be.

thats good'


Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Past, Present and Whatever's Left.

Ah, the good 'ole days... It ain't like mother use to make... I remember when I was your age... Hey do you remember that time... I would give anything to go back...

I find myself using (some of) these sayings quite often. Thinking back to good times and good memories. Wishing I could re-live an event or period in my life. So many happy moments that I wish I could do just one more time...

But why? Why would I want to go back? Why would I want to re-live a happy time? Is it because I am not satisfied? Is it because I think I was happier then? Is it because I'm not happy now?

Yes. To all.

I am not satisfied. I think I was happier then. I'm not happy now.

But why? Why I am not satisfied with my life? Why do I have this thought process that I have already lived the best years of my life? Why can't I be ok with what I have now? And was I really happier then? They say hindsight is 20/20. I say that's crap. When you look back at a good time in your life that is all you tend to see. That good time. You don't take into consideration the problems you had then. The bad times that go with the good times. Hindsight is not 20/20. Not even close.

And why am I not happy now? I have an amazing family. I have an amazing life. I got a few good friends. Why can't I just enjoy life? Is it because I don't have a job? Maybe. Is it because I don't have more friends? Maybe. Is it because I don't have a girlfriend? Honestly, probably.

I gonna go out on a limb and be honest here (don't think it matters much because I don't think any even reads this silly blog). Recently I have been living like I don't have much of a future. I have been living for the past and the present. And the future is just the thing that's left over. I hate that I live like this. And I'm trying to change it.

I mean I do have a future right? DUH! My future is in Christ. And even as I write these words I have a hard time believing them. I know I have a future in Christ, but I don't feel it.

I try and try and try and it is never good enough...

Never good enough for them... Never good enough for her... Never good enough period.

So I guess I'll just have to be good enough for God. Becuase He is the only one I can ever really please.

I guess that'll be good enough for now.

I am Cory Goyer. Living for MY future IN Christ.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I Am Phoenix

The phoenix. The legendary fire-bird. Blessed with unnatural long life and a unique ability. The ability to rise from the ashes of it's former self to be reborn into an entirely new being. The phoenix.

Even putting aside my incredible fascination with fire, there are so many things about this mythical wonder that intrigues me. The fact that so many different civilizations and cultures had myths and legends about this bird. And how it is a symbol of life and re-birth. But the ability to rise again, new and whole, it is just amazing.

I have been burned, so many times. By people, events, even my own wrong doings. I have been severely burned.

But just look at the phoenix. Amazing bird. It has been burned again and again and again. But it always rises from the ashes. New. Revived. Refreshed. Ready to live again.

Truth is I am not like this bird. Not on my own at least. I cannot rise from my ashes. I can't survive being burned so many times. Eventually I just won't be able to take it. And I will just fade away.......

At least that is what I use to think.

Now there is something different, something new. I have a secret that makes me just like the phoenix.

My secret is God.

I have been burned. I have turned to ashes. But through God and through Christ I have risen anew. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"2 Corinthians 5:16-18

So the truth is you can burn me, over and over again. And it will hurt for a while. But no matter how many times you burn me. I'm gonna rise again. New and whole in Christ my God.

I am Cory Goyer. I am Phoenix.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Let Them Sleep

Words. I love words. To manipulate words in order to portray a thought or message. Simply amazing. I love words so so much.

But why do I let words get in the way? Or why do I let the escape me?

Words can be so powerful. So beautiful. So amazing. Yet at the same time so destructible and violent.

Why can't I ever say what I want? Is it manners? Is it the fear of hurting others? Or the fear of being rejected? Why can't I tell you what I really want to tell you?

Like you. I want to tell you so many things. Starting with I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I'm sorry for what I did. I put so much focus on all the wrongs things. I told you things you didn't need to know. I did things that didn't need to be done. We have both suffered because I messed up. And I'm sorry.

And you. I don't like you. I think you are cocky and immature. I think the way you handled things with her was wrong. you treated her poorly and made her feel like crap. So I really don't like you.

And you. How could you do what you did to me? Honestly? To make me think one way for so long then to drop it like a hot rock? I don't know about you but that hurt me. A lot. And then what you did after. To add insult to injury. I don't know when I'll recover from that. How could you?

And you. Gosh I care about you so much. So, so much. I just wish you could see that. All I want is for you to live the best life you can. And I'm so worried that the people you place yourself around won't give you that life. I'm so afraid that those you chase after will only hurt you again and again. I just want the best for you. But you don't seem to want the best for yourself.

And you. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve what I did to you. you are a good person. And I know I cut you deep. I wish I could take it back.

So many things I want to say. I wish I could add names to these statements. But I can't. For some reason or another I'm afraid of these words. I want to say what i want to say but I know I can't. It is sometimes better to let sleeping dogs lie.

I love words, but I also hate them. I hate their ability to destroy. I wish I didn't even want to say these things. But I do. But I don't.

Just another confusing pointless blog by me. I am Cory Goyer. And don't you forget it!