Monday, January 21, 2013


Time is money, friend.

Is time money?

Essentially yes.

We as humans are given a vermy small amount of time to live. A small amount of time to do what we were put here for.

What were we put here for? I don't know. But I only have a little bit of time to do it.

Of course time = money when it comes to jobs. You complete X amount of work in Y amount of time and get compensated Z amount of dollars in return. I trade my time for money.

Time is also money in another way. How you invest your money shows what is importnant to you. Eating food is important to me therefore I spend a significant amount of money on food. Having a place to live is important to me so I spend a signifacnt amount of money on rent. Makign sure my son stays healthy and clean is very important to me so I spend a significant amount of money on diapers.

I alos spend qutie a bit of money on games, movies and other recreational things so one could assume that ammusement is important to me. Which it is. More than it should be but that is a whole different blog.

So spending your money on things shows what is important to you. Money doesn't grow on trees so spending money can be a big deal.

Likewise, what you spend you time doing shows what is important to you.

 I spend a lot of my time working in order to make money. Does that mean making money is important to me? Yes and no. Making money for the sake of making moeny is not important to me but making money in order to have money for things like food, rent, diapers and other things for my family and I is very important to me. So obviously working takes up a lot of my time so I can have the moeny I need.

What else do I spend my time doing?

I spend a lot of time with my wife and son becuase they are both incredibly important to me. I spend time playing games and watching movies becuase ammusement is important to me. I spend a lot of time sleeping becuase being well rested is important to me. I spend time eating, hanging out with friends and family, cleaning and all sorts of other things becuase those things are important to me.

So now I know these thigns that are important and things I spend my time on. The big question is; how much time do I spend on each thing?

If I were to tell you I spend $20 dollars every other month to go out and watch a movie then you might assume that going to the movies is not that important. I mean it is just $20 every other month. That totals $120 a year. To me that is not a big deal.

If I were to tell you that a spent $20 twice a week to go out and watch a moive then you might assume that going out and watching movies was very important to me. Instead of $120 a year now I am spending $2,080 a year on movies. To me that is a very big deal.

In the same way what you spend your time on reflects how important the activity is to you.

If I spent one hour everyday reading books then I would spend 365 hours a year reading. If I spent two hours everyday playing games I would spend 730 hours a year playing games. If I spent three hours everyday cleaning then I would spend 1095 hours a year cleaning. If I spend four hours everyday being with my wife and son then I would spend 1460 hours a year with my wife and son.

See how quickly that stacks up?

For example I average 7 hours of sleep everyday. That means I spend 2555 hours every year sleeping.

I work on average 5.714 hours every day (40 hours devided by 7 days). That means I spend 2085.71 hours a year working.

Time is money, friend.

Spend your time well.

P.S. 20 points if you know why this post is called goblins.

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