Friday, January 25, 2013


 I have a little boy. He is the most amazing thing in my life. Every single day he grows bigger. He is getting smarter daily, he is getting physically larger daily. He is my pride and joy.

Every night before he goes to bed I sing him a little song. It is nothing extraordinary or mind-blowing. It may be simple but what I like about it that the song is only for him. Here it goes.

Oh son of mine, I shall love you forever more.
Oh boy of mine, you shall always be in my heart.
Oh son of mine, I will protect you for all of my days.
Oh boy of mine, you are my pride and joy.
You are the flesh of my flesh.
You are the blood of my blood.
Oh son of mine, I shall love you forever more.
Oh boy of mine, I shall love you forever more.

I love singing this to him. I pick him up and he gives me a great big hug and he rests his head on my shoulder. As long as I sing to him he won't move a muscle. Sometimes I'll sing the song two, three or even four times just so I could hold my boy a little longer. He doesn't mind when I sing longer because it means he doesn't have to go to bed yet!

I love me boy very, very much. He really is my pride and joy.

When I think about my son I think about him growing up and what kind of man he will be. Most of the time I just wonder what his personality will be or what kind of things he will like and dislike. Will he like sports like me? Will he like video games like me? Will he like to write like me? Will he be horrible at math like me? Will he be caring and full of love like his mother? Will he be smart and very good looking like his mother? Will he always have a smile on his face like his mother?

Or will he be like both of us? Or will he be like neither of us?

Will he be a man of God?

That one always get me.

I don't know what he will like or won't like. I don't know what his personality will or will not be. He will be his own unique wonderful person.

No matter who he turns out to be the one thing I want to see in him is godliness. To have a fear of the Lord and a passion for Christ.

I can't control that, no matter how much I wish I could just say "Son, you will be a good follower of Jesus or I will give you a spanking!" I cannot force him to be what I want.

All I can do is be the best example I can be.

My father is the greatest man I know. In every way you can imagine he is my hero and my role model. He is also the godliest man I could think of. He never tried to "make" me godly. Never tried to force me to believe in Christ. Instead he lead by example. I can say the absolute number one reason for my faith in Christ is my father, bar none. Instead of telling me how to do something or forcing me to believe this he showed me how it was done every single day.

I would like to think that my dad doesn't even realize how much I watched him when I was growing up. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But the fact remains I watched him very, very carefully. By watching how he would handle situations and by watching how he would deal with problems showed me the right way to do things.

I want to do that for my son.

My dad left a legacy. He left me. He left his mark on me and now I want to leave my mark on my son.

It is going to take time. A lot of time. For my dad to leave his mark on me took 23 years. Even today I learn from watching my dad.

I'm willing to put that time and effort into my own son. I'm ready to starting leaving my mark o my son. Lord willing he will become a godly young man like me and like my father and his father before him.

I am so excited to watch my boy grow up and show him how to live a godly life.

Now I am not perfect. I am far from perfect. I am probably as far from perfect as you can get. I still have a lot to learn but I am excited to learn so I can teach my son.

I want to leave a legacy. My dad once told me "The greatest gift any parent can receive is seeing their grandchildren growing up to be godly men and women."

I put the emphasis on grandchildren because that really is the whole point. If you pour your efforts into to being a good example for your children and showing them how to live godly lives the best reflection of that would be to see their children growing up to be godly.

More than anything I want to give this gift to my father. And someday I want Clayton to give this gift to me.

This is a legacy people. Something that my father left to me. Something I plan to leave to my son. Something that I hope and pray will carry down through generations and generations.

This is dedicated to my dad and my son. I love you both.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Life throws us curves balls. Life give us lemons.

If you swing on every curve ball you are going to strike out.

Sometimes when life throws something at you, something you never saw coming, it is best not to swing at all. Life tries to bait you into the swing, sometimes it tries to make you think your only option is to swing, but most of the time you do have a choice. Don't swing.

If life were to throw me a huge curve for example, something that is a game-changer, would it make any difference for me to swing? Why should I freak out? Why should I panic? Why should I worry? I should not.

"Can any of you by worrying and a single hour to you life?" Mathew 6:27

There are time you want to swing at that curve ball. Times where you should react to life's little adventures. When you do react, don't freak out.

I am a child of God. I am a disciple of Christ. I am Cory Goyer.

If the creator of all has my best interests in mind, why should I worry?

Stuff happens. Stuff happens all the time. Bad stuff. Good stuff. Stuff.

When the bad stuff comes, when I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, when it starts to rain... Why worry?

I don't really have a point or purpose for this post. If I did it would be something like this; don't sweat the small stuff. Even the big stuff, don't sweat it.

Can you do something about the problem you're having? Yes? Then why worry?

Can you do something about the problem you're having? No? Then why worry?

I would consider myself a very laid back person. I have been called laid back by a lot of people as well. The reason I am like this is because I do not feel like I need to worry about things. Be prepared? Yes. Know how to handle a situation? Yes. Plan for the future? Yes. Worry? No.

Why worry?

I guess I really am starting to repeat myself so I will wrap this up. Above I have a quote from Jesus. He asks a very simple question "Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

Life is what it is. We can be ready, prepared and expecting challenges and difficulties but we do not need to worrying about them.

Oh, if life gives you lemons... re-gift them to someone you don't like.

That's all folks. Cory G, out.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Time is money, friend.

Is time money?

Essentially yes.

We as humans are given a vermy small amount of time to live. A small amount of time to do what we were put here for.

What were we put here for? I don't know. But I only have a little bit of time to do it.

Of course time = money when it comes to jobs. You complete X amount of work in Y amount of time and get compensated Z amount of dollars in return. I trade my time for money.

Time is also money in another way. How you invest your money shows what is importnant to you. Eating food is important to me therefore I spend a significant amount of money on food. Having a place to live is important to me so I spend a signifacnt amount of money on rent. Makign sure my son stays healthy and clean is very important to me so I spend a significant amount of money on diapers.

I alos spend qutie a bit of money on games, movies and other recreational things so one could assume that ammusement is important to me. Which it is. More than it should be but that is a whole different blog.

So spending your money on things shows what is important to you. Money doesn't grow on trees so spending money can be a big deal.

Likewise, what you spend you time doing shows what is important to you.

 I spend a lot of my time working in order to make money. Does that mean making money is important to me? Yes and no. Making money for the sake of making moeny is not important to me but making money in order to have money for things like food, rent, diapers and other things for my family and I is very important to me. So obviously working takes up a lot of my time so I can have the moeny I need.

What else do I spend my time doing?

I spend a lot of time with my wife and son becuase they are both incredibly important to me. I spend time playing games and watching movies becuase ammusement is important to me. I spend a lot of time sleeping becuase being well rested is important to me. I spend time eating, hanging out with friends and family, cleaning and all sorts of other things becuase those things are important to me.

So now I know these thigns that are important and things I spend my time on. The big question is; how much time do I spend on each thing?

If I were to tell you I spend $20 dollars every other month to go out and watch a movie then you might assume that going to the movies is not that important. I mean it is just $20 every other month. That totals $120 a year. To me that is not a big deal.

If I were to tell you that a spent $20 twice a week to go out and watch a moive then you might assume that going out and watching movies was very important to me. Instead of $120 a year now I am spending $2,080 a year on movies. To me that is a very big deal.

In the same way what you spend your time on reflects how important the activity is to you.

If I spent one hour everyday reading books then I would spend 365 hours a year reading. If I spent two hours everyday playing games I would spend 730 hours a year playing games. If I spent three hours everyday cleaning then I would spend 1095 hours a year cleaning. If I spend four hours everyday being with my wife and son then I would spend 1460 hours a year with my wife and son.

See how quickly that stacks up?

For example I average 7 hours of sleep everyday. That means I spend 2555 hours every year sleeping.

I work on average 5.714 hours every day (40 hours devided by 7 days). That means I spend 2085.71 hours a year working.

Time is money, friend.

Spend your time well.

P.S. 20 points if you know why this post is called goblins.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Tale of Tippet

Tippet had to keep himself from shaking. He was both nervous and excited and the combination of the two was almost to much to stand. No one his age had ever been requested to meet the Shadow Council before.

At only seventeen Tippet was the youngest ninja to ever complete the the Night Trials. Even though was still learning most of the shadow arts he was a prodigy in the art of combat. When he was only twelve he defeated six upperclassmen by himself in a sparring match. He was a natural with the sword but even though he could have been the best in his class with almost no effort Tippet continually pushed himself everyday.

More than anything he wanted to be a ninja grandmaster and lead the crusade against the Light Stone. Even now, as he waited in a dark alley he could feel his anger burn inside him at the thought of those fanatics.

The Light Stone was a group of religious zealots who murdered his entire village when we was barely more than a baby. Even though he was so young he could still remember the event perfectly.
The Light Stone samurai's tore through the village. Slaughtering dozens upon dozens of helpless civilians. His father and mother were cut down right before his eyes. Only moments before one samurai was about to kill Tippet the Darkheart ninjas appeared.

Tippet remembers the look of confusion on the samurai's face as he was cut down by the Darkheart. The Darkheart saved him that day, unfortunately they did not make it in time to save anyone else. Tippet was all that was left. From that day forward he devoted himself to becoming the most powerful ninja in existence and to eradicate the Light Stone.

Blessed Cage

Imprisoned by my own freedom.
Trapped by my own shackles
While the key lies in my hand.
A glass cage surrounds me
Keeping me from touching the beauty around me.
Self-destruction is my only redemption.
Pain my only source of joy.
To live a life I do not want
And want a life I do not live.
Why do I do this?
Because I do want the life I live.
Thoughts fly free through the glass
And my mind is not caged.
My body is in slavery
But my heart roams freely.
I love those I love.
I love those I hate.
I have been given more in this cage
Than most have received in their lives.
I have been given the love of my life
Who I can spend everyday with.
I would not trade that for anything.
Am I really imprisoned
Or I am free?
I have home for living
Bread for eating
A family for loving.
I have all that I need
But not all that I want.
Do I need all that I want?
I am free.
Free to enjoy the things I have been blessed with.
This blessed cage
Is not a cage at all.
It is freedom.
Freedom from a life without walls.
Without walls I could wander.
Wander far from home
Or far from where I belong.
I love the life I'm given.
As I realize the blessing I have
I notice that there never was any glass.
I am free.
Through Christ I am free.
I love my wife.
I love my son.
I love my family.
I love my life.
I love my God.
Thank you, Lord, for my blessed cage.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

One Big Loss

You only think you win while in reality you are so warped in you own delusions you do not realize that you lost. You lost before we even began this dance of fate. Time has betrayed you into thinking you ever had a chance to begin with. You think life has dealt you adequate cards to play the game however what you do not realize is that I am, in fact, the dealer and the deck is loaded my friend. Profit is not measured in pennies and dimes but in silent and unknown victories. To allow one to think they are profiting from a situation is the ultimate victory. When someone thinks they know the system that is exactly when they are beaten. One big loss when they victim is assured they will win is all it takes to ruin the soul. Life becomes daunting and dangerous. When you realize everything you thought you knew was an elaborate scheme to make you feel safe, it is then you shall truly know you were never safe and never will be safe again. Victory has eluded you just as logic has. Come Luke, join the Dark Side. We have cookies.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

That One Big Rock

Here is another random splurge (word?) of information from yours truly, Cory Goyer.

This was a concept I pieced together the first time I ever went to the Czech Republic and then to Mexico. I call it "Cory Goyer's theory of the moon.

I was a young man who was going on not one but two mission trips back-to-back. It was over a month that I was gone and that was the longest period of time I had ever been away from home.

I missed Montana.

Another little spiget (word?) of information about me is; I love Montana. I really do. I think it is an amazing place. Where I live is beautiful and a great place to live. The summers are awesome. The winters are awful. I love this place.

So by the time I had the left the Czech republic and flew straight to San Diego I had started to miss home. A lot.

Now don't get me wrong I wasn't some awful crybaby just whining and complaining and wishing I could go home to my nice bed and drinkable water. I was homesick yes, but I very much enjoyed my time in Mexico. Some of the greatest God experiences in my life. Was such a fun and fulfilling experience.

I did miss Montana.

One of the nights we were walking around I started feeling a little more homesick then normal. I still had over a week before I got to go home and was just missing the place I love. It was fairly dark out and there was a big bright moon. As I looked up at the moon I thought how nice it would be to look at the big beautiful moon in Montana.

It hit me like an unhappy hippo.

It is the same moon.

Yup. The moon I was looking at right now was the exact same moon I look at in Montana. In fact being that we were in Baha California there was a very good chance that people in Montana were looking at the very same moon right now.

I was so dumbfounded and bewizzled (word?) that I actually laughed out loud which caused several people to give me quite puzzled looks. I didn't care if they thought I was a freak. I just figured out something amazing.

Now you may be saying to yourself "of course it is the same moon". If you said that to yourself, be afraid, I can read your mind.

The cool thing was not finally realizing that it was in fact the same moon but that I could look at the same moon from, well, anywhere. No matter where you are on the planet you can see the moon.

Not at all times mind you. For example those who live in very high latitudes (approaching the poles) have certain times of the month where they cannot see the moon at all. If given enough time though they will be able to look at the very same moon you and I do.

Even in the southern hemisphere they look at the very same moon. The moon looks different to those in the southern hemisphere. If you were to compare the moon in the southern hemisphere (Australia for example) to the moon in the northern hemisphere (Montana for example) it would look upside down.

Yup. The people in Australia actually see the moon upside down. How weird are they?

I find it fascinating to think that no matter where we are we can all look at the same moon.

Most of my family lives in Arkansas and I live in Montana. I get to see the very same moon they do. When I was in Mexico I get to gaze upon the same moon as Montana. No matter where I go or how far I travel from home I get to look at the same moon.

The moon makes me feel like home, everywhere.

The other cool thing the moon does is it connects us. The above mentioned states talked about how I like the moon because it makes me feel good and feel closer to home anywhere, but the moon does that for more than just me.

Like I said, my family lives in Arkansas, thousands of miles away. Even though the are so far we are united by the same moon.

In fact, everyone on the planet is united by the same moon. We all get to look at it and by looking at it we are connected while being separate.

Some people look at the moon in wonder and awe. Some look at just because it is there. Other don't even process the fact that they see the moon in the night sky since it is such a common sight.

Whatever the purpose or reason someone looks at the moon the fact remains; it is the same moon.

So my ultimate purpose is this; when you look at the moon think of me, your friendly neighborhood Cory Goyer. When you look at the moon think of your loved ones who may be far away. When you look at the moon think those you don't even know who is looking at the same moon with you. When you are far away then look at and think of home. That one big rock in the sky can be a point of connection to anyone and anywhere on the planet.

I like the moon. Do you?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Different Shade of Blue

"If I saw the world in a different shade of blue, how would you know unless I showed you?"

Above is a "catchphrase" that I created a long time ago. Now I am by know means saying I was the very first person in the whole entire world in the history of mankind to say that sentence, I'm just the first I know of.

The whole point of seeing the world in a different shade of blue stemmed from me wondering if every single human being saw the same colors. Now right off the bat we know they don't. Some people are colorblind. Some people are partially colorblind. I'm sure that there are other problems that cause people to see different colors as well. And we won't even go into drugs that claim to let you see things you couldn't see before.

Putting all that aside my thoughts were this: how do we know that when you and I see the a blue wall that we are seeing the same color?

Now granted we both call it blue. It is blue. It's color IS blue. But I might see differently than you.

Let's say that if I were to temporarily take over your body (creepy I know, just role with this) and look at the same blue wall I just looked at, what would I see? Would I see the same blue? Or maybe you mind interprets colors differently and what I was now seeing I would call red.

Get it?

Your "blue" might be my "red".

Trippy? Probably not.

Most people don't think like I do. Most people don't ponder what colors would be if they body-swapped with their friends.

But now that I am older (this epiphany came to me in early college) I take my little catchphrase a little differently.

See, the world has many, many colors. Blues, reds, greens, whites and so forth. Now these "colors" are not actually colors but opinions and thought processes.

Thought processes? Who in the world talks like that? Well, I do. I say thought processes for a very specific reason. I like the term "thought process" because it really is a process.

Everyone see's the world differently. That is what being human is about. It is impossible to see the world the same as anyone else. You will always have different ideas and opinions and thought processes than someone else. It doens't matter how alike you are with your best friend, your wife, your siblings, your parents, the fact remains that you will see the world in a slightly (sometimes drastically) different shade.

It is all about your thought process. What made you think what you are thinking now? Hopefully if you are reading this you are thinking about yourself thinking about this post. Becuase I am telling you to think about thinking about this you should be thinking about it (lol). So what you are thinking right now should be pretty simple to trace your thought process. But what about other things?

What was your thought process when you decided you don't like brocolli? What was your thought process when you decided to vote for a president? What was your thought process when you chose your major in college?

Now some (ok most (ok all)) of these have to do with experiences in life. Maybe you ate some overcooked brocolli when you were little and it left you with a bad experience. Maybe one candidate had a veiw you didn't like so you voted for the other guy.

But it all comes down to how we view the world. What colors we see. What we think.

Back to what I was very first talking about, picture this: I take over your body like I did before (creepy again) but this time instead of looking at a blue wall I looked at politics or food or people or any number of things. Would I be surprised? Would I be shocked to see the world how you did? I'm not seeing a difference in color but a difference in perspective, in life.

Looking through your eyes what am I going to see? A whole new shade of blue.

I love people. I love how people think. What caused tham to think what they and do what they do.

"If I saw the world in a different shade of blue, how would you know unless I showed you?"

We have to share with the world our views, our shades. People won't know unless you show them. How could they? They see things completely differently.

Now you don't have to be mean about it. Or rude. Or indignant. But share. Share your shades. I want to see them.

What is your shade of blue?