Thursday, January 24, 2013


Life throws us curves balls. Life give us lemons.

If you swing on every curve ball you are going to strike out.

Sometimes when life throws something at you, something you never saw coming, it is best not to swing at all. Life tries to bait you into the swing, sometimes it tries to make you think your only option is to swing, but most of the time you do have a choice. Don't swing.

If life were to throw me a huge curve for example, something that is a game-changer, would it make any difference for me to swing? Why should I freak out? Why should I panic? Why should I worry? I should not.

"Can any of you by worrying and a single hour to you life?" Mathew 6:27

There are time you want to swing at that curve ball. Times where you should react to life's little adventures. When you do react, don't freak out.

I am a child of God. I am a disciple of Christ. I am Cory Goyer.

If the creator of all has my best interests in mind, why should I worry?

Stuff happens. Stuff happens all the time. Bad stuff. Good stuff. Stuff.

When the bad stuff comes, when I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, when it starts to rain... Why worry?

I don't really have a point or purpose for this post. If I did it would be something like this; don't sweat the small stuff. Even the big stuff, don't sweat it.

Can you do something about the problem you're having? Yes? Then why worry?

Can you do something about the problem you're having? No? Then why worry?

I would consider myself a very laid back person. I have been called laid back by a lot of people as well. The reason I am like this is because I do not feel like I need to worry about things. Be prepared? Yes. Know how to handle a situation? Yes. Plan for the future? Yes. Worry? No.

Why worry?

I guess I really am starting to repeat myself so I will wrap this up. Above I have a quote from Jesus. He asks a very simple question "Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

Life is what it is. We can be ready, prepared and expecting challenges and difficulties but we do not need to worrying about them.

Oh, if life gives you lemons... re-gift them to someone you don't like.

That's all folks. Cory G, out.

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