Monday, October 12, 2009

I Am Phoenix

The phoenix. The legendary fire-bird. Blessed with unnatural long life and a unique ability. The ability to rise from the ashes of it's former self to be reborn into an entirely new being. The phoenix.

Even putting aside my incredible fascination with fire, there are so many things about this mythical wonder that intrigues me. The fact that so many different civilizations and cultures had myths and legends about this bird. And how it is a symbol of life and re-birth. But the ability to rise again, new and whole, it is just amazing.

I have been burned, so many times. By people, events, even my own wrong doings. I have been severely burned.

But just look at the phoenix. Amazing bird. It has been burned again and again and again. But it always rises from the ashes. New. Revived. Refreshed. Ready to live again.

Truth is I am not like this bird. Not on my own at least. I cannot rise from my ashes. I can't survive being burned so many times. Eventually I just won't be able to take it. And I will just fade away.......

At least that is what I use to think.

Now there is something different, something new. I have a secret that makes me just like the phoenix.

My secret is God.

I have been burned. I have turned to ashes. But through God and through Christ I have risen anew. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"2 Corinthians 5:16-18

So the truth is you can burn me, over and over again. And it will hurt for a while. But no matter how many times you burn me. I'm gonna rise again. New and whole in Christ my God.

I am Cory Goyer. I am Phoenix.

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